Channel: Mountain Bike Rider
Category: Sports
Tags: specializedmountain bike riderclip-in pedalsturbo levo sle-bikehopcrank brothersclipless pedalspedelecskillsbunny hopmountain bikemtbspd pedalsbike jumpjumpturbo levobunnyhopflat pedalsmbr magazineemtbf-podiummondrakerebikembrbunny-hop
Description: Just how hard is it to bunny-hop an e-bike compared to an analogue bike? With the current lockdown in place, we headed into the back garden to try and find out, pitting a Mondraker F-Podium against a Specialized Turbo Levo and Turbo Levo SL. First we did the challenge with flat pedals, and then we switched to clip-in pedals to see if they offered an advantage. Click here to subscribe: More at: MBR: Facebook: Twitter: